Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Idea hypermnestra linteata (Butler, 1879)

Name : Idea hypermnestra linteata
Common Name : Malayan Tree Nymph
Family : Nymphalidae
Subfamily : Danainae
Larva host plant : Parsonia helicandra (Apocynaceae)


FemaleIdea hypermnestra linteata-MYFHRaub_20090423_0161-400 Idea hypermnestra linteata-MYFHRaub_20090423_0155-400
I. hypermnestra as compared to I. stolli has more rounded wings and whiter base color.  The species is confined to heavy forest at moderate elevation.

The larva is black and white banded with red patches on 2nd and 7th abdominal segments.  It has been bred in Malaysia on Parsonia helicandra (Apocynaceae)

Life History Record : Apr 2009

Date : Apr 2009
Location : Raub, Pahang, Malaysia
Larva host plant : (To be id)

Unidentified vine :
Idea hypermnestra linteata-MYFH_20090423_1241-640
Underside of the leaf
Idea hypermnestra linteata-MYFH_20090423_1240-640

An older vineIdea hypermnestra linteata-MYFH_20090423_1243-640

Female flying towards host plantIdea hypermnestra linteata-MYFHRaub_20090423_0153-400

A late instar larva feeding on the host plantIdea hypermnestra linteata-MYFHRaub_20090423_0164-400

Close-up of the larva
Idea hypermnestra linteata-MYFHRaub_20090423_0160-400

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hostplant is myriopteron extensum. Check with illustration at Flora of China.