Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ideopsis gaura perakana (Fruhstorfer, 1899)

Name : Ideopsis gaura perakana
Common Name : Smaller Wood Nymph
Family : Nymphalidae
Subfamily : Danainae
Larva host plant : Hoya spp (Asclepiadaceae)

FemaleIdeopsis gaura perakana-MYGopeng_20090312_0203-480Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia, April 2009

Life History Record : 2007/2008, 2009

Date : Nov 2007, Dec 2008
Location : Penang Butterfly Farm
Larva host plant : Hoya carnosa

Last instar larvaSmallerWoodNymph-MYPG-200711-DSC_1644

Pre-pupa stage
Ideopsis gaura-200811-MYPG_0168-480

Ideopsis gaura-200811-MYPG_0517-480

Date : Mar 2009
Location : Raub,Pahang, Malaysia
Larva host plant : Hoya erythrina

Ideopsis gaura about to oviposit on Hoya erythrina growing on a tree at Raub.
Ideopsis gaura perakana-MYFH_20090330_0290-640
Ideopsis gaura perakana-MYFH_20090330_0288-480  
Leaf of Hoya erythrina

Hoya erythrina--20090330_1162-640

Flower of H. erythrina
Hoya erythrina-MYFH_20090330_0286-480
Hoya erythrina-20090508_1410-640

Hoya erythrina-20090511_1383-640


Unknown said...

Further confirmation of Hoya erythrina: leaves seen in one of the pictures are cordate-shaped at the base. Cheers, Kimosabe.090515

Green Baron said...

Thanks Kimosabe for confirming the id !

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